I’m 21 and I never voted by now…
I’m not into politics that much, although I admit that sometimes I speak very passionately about the matter, when I have the necessary amount of information about the subject held to debating.
I have to admit that the political campaign taking place for the city hall has caught my attention a little. The only three candidates that got my attention were at first, in the first tour, the PD-L candidate Vasile Blaga, the Independent Sorin Oprescu and the PNL candidate Ludovic Orban.
For three years now I have the right to vote, but I have never done it. I know that it is a civic right and duty, but no candidate has ever convinced me that his words are true. In what these elections are concerned, after Blaga and Oprescu managed to handle the fight, I have to say that I’m not convinced to chose any of them. I was sure before, that if Orban would have continued the race I would have definitely went to vote against him, as it was clear to me that he is a manipulator of the masses. Last year, he participated as a guest at one of my courses and all he could think of back than, when he was not campaigning, was to spill dirt on his future counter-candidates, although he was there to help teach us something about being a liberal.
Now, after the choice got easier because from the two candidates that remained to run for mayor you could only chose one, again I find myself thinking about not going to vote. I would if I was sure that the now-Independent ex-PSD candidate Oprescu wouldn’t return to his old party once he got the vote of the citizens of
Moreover, now, after his former party colleagues had seen that he came first on the citizens’ choice in the first tour, they are offering him their support and showing off in the media with him in a very disturbing manner. His quality as a possible mayor is something that I can’t make a sure estimate upon, but the projects he had had in mind throughout his campaign were a little improbable for a city built with this infrastructure.
In what the other candidate is concerned, I believe that voting for Mr. Blaga would mean assuring the continuum of the former type of ruling on the city hall’s offices. The type that encouraged that parks should be private property for businessmen without morals that built business centers and malls on the scarce green space provided for Bucharest’s citizens, the type of manipulator that changed the curbstones 3 times in four years on the same boulevard, the type that only did what it’s master told him to and was politically influenced by the head of state, the type that would leave citizens in the same mess, lack of order and unbearable traffic jams… and so one. Voting for him would mean that one is in peace with this city’s way of providing the environment for its citizens and that he/she doesn’t need change nor wants it. And this is something that in my opinion no one, in their right mind or un-corrupted, could ever say: that they don’t want things to change. Not with today’s
In conclusion, I won’t take part of the casting vote for mayor either, fourth time by now without formally expressing my point of view, because the list of pros and cons for both of the two candidates led me to the same standing point: none deserves it.
Nevertheless, I don’t advise anyone to take this stand in what exerting their civic duty and right is concerned. I am not even saying that I’m doing the right thing, in fact, I advise anyone who has a favorite candidate to give him their full support. I think that I’m only doing what’s best for me. Probably you can accuse me of being selfish, maybe I even am so, but what future candidate will ever think of me individually? Who ever does that even for the masses?
And I was really looking forward to be convinced…
I’m 21, and I never voted by now!
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